Paco gets those score the other ones can count on half of it. no offence, just my opinion.
Paco gets those score the other ones can count on half of it. no offence, just my opinion.
That... sucked bigtime
it looked alright in the beginning except for the typical dutch rainbow coloured button. Then, you used the same falling joke twice. And the last and worst. It ended. It would have been good if it was longer.. but sorry. 1.25/5
like it like it like it like it
now make a plot!
very veyr good, nic bri;lliant
i wanna see more more more, why did you stop??
hope to see more doonn siiooon
very nice
I liked the 8-bit nintendo sounds. It brings me back to my younger days when there was only one good console on the market. go on with your work. 'cause this was one hell of a sprite movie. especially the sounds.
nice work
Just read the comment first.
It's nice (for younger kids). anyway If you don't like child stuff, then don't watch it.
The enemies are way too stupid...
The only thing I could remember was the enemies waiting so long they never did before they died.
Try another subject this was is lame as it get's posted. You can do better.
okay graphics, but nothing is happening here. Finish IT.
nice intro
This is art! but I dont like it.
when does the story begin? seems nice, raise your framerate.
too short
Only kids like toons like this, but it is too voilent fot kids. Too short and not funny.
The king of fbf.. -Luis
Age 46, Male
Design virtual Theatre & Games
Joined on 3/1/03